Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The time illusion: How your brain creates now

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(Image: Trent Parke/Magnum Photos)
Time is not out there – "now" is a strange trick of the mind. The good news is that with training you can live in the moment for longer

WHAT is "now"? It is an idea that physics treats as a mere illusion, yet it is something we are all familiar with. We tend to think of it as this current instant, a moment with no duration. But if now were timeless, we wouldn't experience a succession of nows as time passing. Neither would we be able to perceive things like motion. We couldn't operate in the world if the present had no duration. So how long is it?

That sounds like a metaphysical question, but neuroscientists and psychologists have an answer. In recent years, they have amassed evidence indicating that now lasts on average between 2 and 3 seconds. This is the ...
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