Sunday, February 26, 2017


  • Life22 February 2017

    Resurrecting nature: Extinct is not forever

    Dreams of Jurassic Park are so last century. Now biologists want to use de-extinction biotechnology for conservation. But is it a good idea?

  • Health22 February 2017

    Plague! How to prepare for the next pandemic

    Globalisation makes the spread of a worldwide killer disease inevitable. The last Ebola outbreak nearly got out of control, but it showed what we need to do

  • Health11 January 2017

    Dishing the dirt: How clean does your home really need to be?

    Cleanliness is next to godliness – or perhaps not. New Scientist looks at the evidence around hygiene to find out if there is a sweet spot

Humans3 September 2014

End of nations: Is there an alternative to countries?

Nation states cause some of our biggest problems, from civil war to climate inaction. Science suggests there are better ways to run a planet

Earth | Life | Technology15 February 2017

The father of the Gaia hypothesis shares his greatest invention

James Lovelock is best known for his Gaia hypothesis, but it is a device he invented 60 years ago that accidentally helped to save the planet that we should laud him for

Technology9 December 2015

How your private emails can spread all over the world

If you want to get to grips with the real risks of online privacy you need to understand just what happens to your data in the architecture of the internet

Health | Humans20 July 2016

Fertility facts: How late can you leave it to have a baby?

You want kids, just not yet. So here’s how to work out when to start trying – and whether you should take a fertility test

Health15 February 2017

How you can control what happens in your dreams

Lucid dreaming, in which you remain aware and can steer your dreams, is easier than you might think

Life15 February 2017

Slaughter of an American icon: The Yellowstone buffalo cull

Caught in a battle between ranchers, campaigners and park officials, hundreds of bison are culled each year. Photographer Michelle McCarron bears witness

Humans15 February 2017

I can control a computer with my mind – from inside a dream

People who have lucid dreams could control a computer while sleeping. Remington Mallett gave it a go

Health15 February 2017

Heal yourself from inside your dreams

New ways to trigger lucid dreams – in which people stay aware and in control of their actions – could let dreams themselves be used for psychotherapy

Physics15 February 2017

The maths problems that could win you a million dollars

Six of the seven Millennium Prize problems remain unsolved, but cracking any one of them would be a major – and financially rewarding – achievement

Physics15 February 2017

Magnets, boiling kettles and the secret code underlying reality

A strange, unifying mathematical pattern is popping up in all sorts of unexpected places – and it could explain some profound questions about the cosmos

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