Wednesday, November 23, 2016


  • Life23 November 2016

    Great Christmas books: Our guide to gifts that keep on giving

    From wonderfully inclusive explanations of the universe to tracking the world's animals with ultrasmart technology, there's something here for everyone

  • Life23 November 2016

    The culture of 2016: Loving it

    Tales of first contact, living an alien __life in Earth's cities and a gloriously reinvigorated TV classic: our picks show why this is a year to remember

  • Technology21 November 2016

    Projected sprite makes Shakespeare’s The Tempest a messy triumph

    A new version of the play in Stratford, UK, uses motion capture to project an animated Ariel onto the stage. It looks fabulous – but is not quite perfect

Humans | Life | Technology21 November 2016

Flying machines and chickens: The art of thinking about science

Cars fuelled by water, flying machines and dead/alive chickens are all part of a witty Liverpool show designed to get non-scientists thinking scientifically

Humans16 November 2016

Playing politics: exposing the flaws of nudge thinking

Governments have experimented with "nudging" us into better public behaviour. But a new book by a proponent of the theory, underlines growing doubts

Health16 November 2016

Scurvy: A tale of the sailors' curse and a cure that got lost

The fact that it took such a long time to nail the true cause of scurvy tells us a lot about science both then and now, argues a new book about the disease

Technology9 November 2016

What if we are victims of an AI’s singularity?

Creating superintellingence may be inevitable, unless we are already living in a simulation. A collection of AI essays grapples with this weighty issue

Humans2 November 2016

When politics fills the language gap, can science be neutral?

Should researchers be frank about their social beliefs? A book about Noam Chomsky has lessons from linguistics, where science encounters xenophobia

Humans2 November 2016

Future Humans: Just how far can our evolution go?

The future of Homo sapiens is tantalisingly sketched out in a new book that favours reality over speculation

Humans26 October 2016

A Day in the __life of the Brain hunts consciousness

Susan Greenfield's latest book struggles to find a different solution to how the "water" of objective neural activity becomes "wine" of consciousness

Life26 October 2016

Trees have an inner life like ours, claims bestseller

Our concern for animal rights may lead to similar protections for trees – so argues The Hidden Life of Trees. Is there more to this than anthropomorphism?

Technology26 October 2016

Lo and Behold takes Werner Herzog on a tour round the internet

The faux-naive lens of a legendary film-maker captures some startling insights about the single most disruptive technology of our time

Humans26 October 2016

Why rest and relaxation are such a serious business

Hard work and rest sound like opposites, but it’s much more complex, says Mary Halton, after visiting a new exhibition and exploring a new book

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