Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Trump rages at press in early-morning tweetstorm, insists transition is going 'so smoothly' Trump rages at press in early-morning tweetstorm, insists transition is going 'so smoothly'

Screen Shot 2016 11 16 at 8.59.13 AM Donald Trump. Getty Images

President-elect Donald Trump ripped into the media on Wednesday morning, particularly homing in on The New York Times, accusing reporters of portraying his transition to power in an unfair light.

"I am not trying to get 'top level security clearance' for my children," Trump insisted on Twitter, rebutting reports that started circulating Monday night. "This was a typically false news story."

Moments later, Trump attacked The Times, writing that it was "so totally wrong on transition," seemingly referring to a front-page article that characterized the process as being in disarray.

"It is going so smoothly," Trump wrote, contradicting multiple reports of chaos inside the transition team.

The president-elect continued on Twitter: "Also, I have spoken to many foreign leaders. I have recieved [sic] and taken calls from many foreign leaders despite what the failing @nytimes said. Russia, U.K., China, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and more."

"I am always available to them," Trump added, saying The Times was "just upset that they looked like fools in their coverage of me."

In a statement, a representative for the Times said its reporters were "reporting around-the-clock to provide our readers with penetrating and comprehensive coverage of the incoming administration."

"We are incredibly proud of their work and we will never alter our approach to reporting the facts, without fear or favor, as we have always done," the statement said.

Hours before his early-morning tweetstorm, Trump tweeted Tuesday night that his selecting of Cabinet positions was a "very organized process."

Trump has repeatedly skewered the press since launching his bid for the White House in the summer of last year. On Sunday, he fired off a blistering pair of tweets at The Times, slamming the paper for its coverage of what he called the "Trump phenomena."

Editor's note: This story has been updated to include comment from a Times representative. 

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