Wednesday, December 21, 2016


  • Life14 December 2016

    When a whale gets stranded, I get the call

    If a cetacean washes up on the shores of England or Wales, Rob Deaville races to the scene to investigate why it happened. Julia Brown rides along

  • Humans14 December 2016

    Hung over: What science says about why you feel so rough

    Hair of the dog? Wine before beer? Why everything you know about hangovers, and how to cure them, is wrong – or unproven

  • Life14 December 2016

    Reindeer riddle: How do you tell caribou apart?

    Studying indigenous names for the animals may help us clear up a decades-long mix-up over caribou classification and reverse population decline

Technology14 December 2016

Don’t believe the Skype: We never wanted to video call people

A bold 1960s scheme to criss-cross America with microwave communications pipes for video calling presaged the internet – if only it had worked

Life14 December 2016

Comb jelly videos are rewriting the history of your anus

The digested remains of a fish came out somewhere unexpected, prompting biologists to rethink their understanding of our bums

Humans | Space14 December 2016

Were Aboriginal Australians the first astronomers?

The ability of Aboriginal Australian peoples to navigate by the night sky suggests they have been stargazing from before Stonehenge or the Pyramids

Physics14 December 2016

The fragile state of scientific glassblowing

They make the unique vessels that allow chemists to perform new reactions – but professional glassblowers are an increasingly endangered species

Humans14 December 2016

No more drama: The game theory guide to a happy family holiday

From who will host to the last piece of cake, ‘tis the season to bicker like wild animals. Have yourself a merrier little Christmas with some strategic thinking

Humans | Technology14 December 2016

Medieval wax seals are giving up fresh historical secrets

Hair and fingerprints in the seals used to authenticate documents are yielding fascinating insights into the __life and times of those who made them

Technology14 December 2016

Why predictive text is making you forget how to write

Typing with 2500 keys is hard, which is why autocomplete has been around in China since the 1950s. But now it’s everywhere – and it’s messing with your brain

Humans | Life14 December 2016

Tree of life: How figs built the world and will help save it

From clothing Adam and Eve to linking the Maasai with heaven, the fig tree appears in countless origin myths. Discover the source of its exceptional powers

Humans14 December 2016

Holiday brain-off round 4: Demonstrate the wisdom of the ages

Use the knowledge you've gained from the school of hard knocks to fill in the missing words most accurately

Humans14 December 2016

Holiday brain-off round 1: Challenge your original thinking

Kick off our multi-generational game by testing your ability to think outside the box. Balance points for originality against points for practicality

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