Saturday, December 3, 2016


  • Health1 December 2016

    In Castro's Cuba, this is what __life as a doctor was really like

    Amid Fidel Castro's funeral and furious debate over his legacy, Cuba's health system is often praised. Despite its flaws, it deserves it, says Rich Warner

  • Health1 December 2016

    Magic mushroom drug helps people with cancer face death

    A single dose of the psychedelic drug psilocybin can relieve feelings of depression and anxiety in people with cancer and increase their quality of life

  • Humans30 November 2016

    Zap to the brain alters libido in unique sex study

    Analysing how people’s brainwaves changed when expecting an erotic buzz to their genitals indicates that brain stimulation can boost sex drive

Earth | Technology2 December 2016

Europe’s green energy policy is a disaster for the environment

The EU's massive renewable energy drive is backfiring and its proposed solutions are just greenwashing, say campaigners

Space2 December 2016

ESA approves 2020 ExoMars rover despite crash earlier this year

Putting aside the dramatic loss of the Schiaparelli lander in October and concerns about cost, ESA member states voted to go ahead with the next part of the life-hunting ExoMars mission

Life2 December 2016

Whales talk to each other by slapping out messages on water

Humpback whales break the surface and splash down to make a long-distance call, while fin-slapping is for local conversations

Life2 December 2016

Microbes carve tiny rock homes for their barnacle chefs

It's a first: barnacles provide food for the bacteria, which in turn dig out shelters for the barnacles, creating curious tear shapes on Australian rocks

Life2 December 2016

Bees of the sea: Tiny crustaceans pollinate underwater plants

Seagrass pollen doesn’t just ride the tides - the grains of at least one species hitchhike on undersea invertebrates  

Technology1 December 2016

Concerns as face recognition tech used to ‘identify’ criminals

A computer that gauges if someone has a conviction based on their photo has aroused much scepticism, but it's a reminder of the ethical dilemmas of smart tech

Humans | Space1 December 2016

Buzz Aldrin evacuated from South Pole after falling ill

The former astronaut was visiting Antarctica as part of a tour group when his health deteriorated

Humans1 December 2016

Moral consensus: a CEO should earn five times what workers get

In many nations there is a universal desire for a narrower pay gap between executives and workers. No wonder the reality is so toxic, says Michael Norton

Earth | Life1 December 2016

World’s highest plants discovered growing 6km above sea level

Coin-sized pioneers are the highest vascular plants ever found, living at more than 6100 metres above sea level on India’s dizzying Himalayan peaks

Technology1 December 2016

Seismic sensing app detects 200 earthquakes in first six months

Earthquake detecting app MyShake turns smartphones into an earthquake sensor network. Its creators hope it will be able to give warnings of seismic events

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