Tuesday, November 1, 2016


  • Earth | Life31 October 2016

    Extreme weather is behind record lows in butterfly populations

    Heat waves, cold snaps, and heavy rain may be behind a collapse in many butterfly populations in the UK

  • Space31 October 2016

    Space telescope duo will showcase the solar system in 3D

    From 2019 to 2021, the Hubble and James Webb telescopes will share the sky, enabling us to see the best 3D images and movies of our celestial neighbourhood ever

  • Technology28 October 2016

    Lightbulb made of modified E. coli fuses biology and electronics

    A team from the International Genetically Engineered Machine competition has made an electronic circuit with biological components using modified bacteria

Health | Life28 October 2016

How lack of oxygen makes bacteria cause acne and how to stop it

When deprived of oxygen, harmless bacteria on the skin can turn nasty, triggering inflammation and pimples – a discovery that makes a new treatment look likely

Humans28 October 2016

Honeycomb-shaped streets would stop traffic from getting sticky

A mathematical model suggests that designing cities with three-pronged intersections could cut congestion – but might increase the risk of getting lost

Technology28 October 2016

Uber loses tribunal as court rules drivers are ‘workers’

The outcome of the case brought by two drivers could have huge implications for more than 30,000 drivers across England and Wales

Humans | Technology28 October 2016

Pirate party prepares for first major win in Iceland elections

Polls show that the anti-establishment Pirate Party, which calls for direct democracy and greater transparency, could sweep to power in elections on Saturday

Earth28 October 2016

Climate campaigners should have the right to sue governments

The Australian government wants to stop environmental groups using the courts to halt carbon-belching projects, but we all deserve to be heard, says Alice Klein

Life28 October 2016

Last-ditch effort to save the world’s smallest porpoise agreed

Critically endangered vaquitas are set for greater protection and Japan’s “scientific” whaling faces scrutiny thanks to international agreements  

Technology28 October 2016

Video games become political as US election looms

From Donald Trump-based indie games to mainstream titles that challenge political views, video games are more politically charged than ever

Humans | Life | Technology28 October 2016

Fruity or fermented? Algorithm predicts how molecules smell

A centuries-old challenge has been solved: using a molecule's structure to predict its odour. The discovery could ease the way we create perfumes and flavours

Technology28 October 2016

Your home’s online gadgets could be hacked by ultrasound

Devices can now communicate with each other via ultrasound, as the Internet of Things reaches the next level – but experts warn of security risks

Earth28 October 2016

World’s largest marine reserve agreed for Antarctica’s Ross Sea

The reserve will kick in at the end of 2017 and ban fishing in most of its area, protecting a host of species living in Antarctic waters

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