Monday, November 7, 2016

The final national polls show Hillary Clinton in position to win the election The final national polls show Hillary Clinton in position to win the election

hillary clinton Hillary Clinton campaigns in New Hampshire. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

On the day before the general election, Hillary Clinton remained slightly ahead of Donald Trump in key national polls.

Despite a renewed and concluded FBI investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, the final RealClearPolitics average of recent national polls showed Clinton with a 2-point lead over Trump, slightly higher than her average support last week.

Some of the latest polls showed the former secretary of state slightly above the RCP average.

An NBC/SurveyMonkey poll of likely national voters released on Monday put Clinton up 6 points over Trump, while a Fox News survey found the former secretary of state 4-points ahead of Trump. An ABC/Washington Post tracking poll released over the weekend showed Clinton with a 5-point lead.

Polls also seemed to reflect some positive early voting signs for the Clinton campaign.

While early vote totals among black voters remains low in key battleground states, the Clinton campaign estimated that early voting in Florida among Hispanic voters — who heavily favor the Democratic presidential nominee — is double what it was in 2012. Further, Democrats are far outpacing Republicans in early vote totals in Nevada, spurring the Trump campaign to redirect last-minute resources to the state.

Some observers argued that the FBI saga didn't appear to affect Clinton's support.

"Structurally, the state of the race is fairly stable," Matt McDermott, a left-leaning pollster and senior analyst at Whitman Insight Strategies, told Business Insider in an email earlier this month. "We're sitting at about a 3- to 6-point Clinton national lead, and a nearly insurmountable lead in battleground states to get her over 270 electoral voters. While public polling has been extremely volatile this cycle, internal polling (on both sides) has shown incredible stability in this race."

He added: "There's no evidence to suggest Trump has been successful in overcoming his structural negatives in this race. He remains disliked by nearly three in five voters. Trump's problem continues to be that an overwhelming majority of voters do not see him as qualified for the office he's seeking or think he has the temperament for the job."

For his part, Trump has over the past week traveled to a series of reliably Democratic states — including Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota — hoping to boost turnout and enthusiasm to mount an upset victory.

Compounded by wins in key battleground states like Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina, a Trump victory in a traditional blue state like Michigan could help the Republican presidential nominee garner the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House.

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