Tuesday, March 14, 2017


  • Health14 March 2017

    Swedish men on target to be first to completely stub out smoking

    Just 5 per cent of Swedish men between the ages of 30 and 44 are lighting up. They use snus instead, which is banned elsewhere in Europe. But is it safe?

  • Earth14 March 2017

    Scott Pruitt's climate denial may be Putin's real prize

    Did Russia back the rise of Donald Trump to see climate sceptics in power in the hope of saving its economic skin, wonders Owen Gaffney

  • Physics | Technology14 March 2017

    Cooling to absolute zero mathematically outlawed after a century

    The third law of thermodynamics has been a source of controversy since 1906, but now we have a concrete proof

Physics14 March 2017

Celebrate pi day with 9 trillion more digits than ever before

A pi world record has been set with the calculation of 22 trillion digits after the decimal point - both remarkable and useless

Health13 March 2017

Becoming a parent may add a year or two to your life

Tracking 1.4 million people has found that having children increases __life expectancies by around 1.5 years – perhaps because adult children help elderly parents

Life10 March 2017

Never-before-seen gatherings of hundreds of humpback whales

The marine giants are gathering to feed in super-groups of 200, and no one knows why. It could be their natural behaviour when populations are at normal levels

Life13 March 2017

Luminous frog is the first known naturally fluorescent amphibian

Fluorescent compounds make a South American tree frog much brighter at night, and the trait may be more widespread in nature than we realise

Space13 March 2017

TRAPPIST-1 worlds are close enough for __life to hop between them

Some think life came to Earth from Mars on a meteorite. If this sort of thing can happen, it’s 1000 times more likely on TRAPPIST-1’s three habitable worlds

Health13 March 2017

More people could benefit from BRCA breast cancer drugs

A type of drug that specifically targets BRCA breast cancers and has relatively few side effects may also benefit some people who don’t have BRCA mutations

Life9 March 2017

Sneaky beetles evolved disguise to look like ants, then eat them

At least a dozen species of rove beetles have independently evolved almost identical disguises to dupe their army ant prey into accepting them as one of their own

Health13 March 2017

When I try to imagine my girlfriend’s face, I draw a blank

Jean-Pierre Mooney has aphantasia, which means he is unable to use mental imagery. He talks about how it affects his life and his hopes for a cure

Earth | Life13 March 2017

Metabolism may be older than life itself and start spontaneously

The discovery that the Krebs cycle, which is essential for life, can occur in the absence of enzymes suggests that life’s origins were surprisingly humble

Earth13 March 2017

Forget snow, rain will become main precipitation in the Arctic

By the end of the century, the Arctic will get far more rain. The vicious cycle of warming and precipitation could have serious consequences for wildlife

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