Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The GOP Obamacare replacement bill is quickly becoming a 'universally detested piece of legislation' The GOP Obamacare replacement bill is quickly becoming a 'universally detested piece of legislation'

Paul Ryan donald trump Win McNamee/Getty Images

The American Health Care Act, the GOP's bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, does not seem to be winning over the American public.

Republican Rep. Justin Amash, a critic of the AHCA since its introduction, tweeted Monday that the bill was the most "universally detested piece of legislation" he has seen as a lawmaker.

And recent polling hasn't done much to dispute that narrative, showing a clear trend indicating that a plurality of Americans are against the AHCA in its current form.

According to Nate Silver at FiveThirtyEight, the most recent six polls from firms such as Fox News, Morning Consult, and YouGov/CBS News showed that an average of 30% of Americans support the American Health Care Act, while 47% of people surveyed were against it.

In contrast, Silver said, the Affordable Care Act had a 40% approval rating and a 49% disapproval rating when it passed Congress. And in the weeks after the ACA's introduction, 33% of Americans thought the bill was a good idea, while 32% thought it was a bad one.

Additionally, Silver said, the most favorable poll from Morning Consult used the name of the bill without providing context that it was the GOP's healthcare plan, perhaps skewing the results more positively.

Trump, despite these negative poll numbers, has in recent days gone all in to support the legislation, warning most recently  on Tuesday that if the GOP votes against it, they would pay a political price.

The president told an assembled group of House GOP members that if they vote against the bill "many of you will lose your seats in 2018."

The AHCA is currently making its way through Congress. After a slew of changes were announced Monday through a manager's amendment, the House vote on the bill — expected on Thursday — will be a close call, since many conservative Republican lawmakers have threatened to vote against it.

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