Saturday, March 18, 2017


  • Life16 March 2017

    Chimp filmed cleaning a corpse’s teeth in a mortuary-like ritual

    The never-before-seen behaviour suggests that chimpanzees can be curious about death and may shed light on the origins of human mortuary practices

  • Humans17 March 2017

    Making US workers pass genetic test data to employers is wrong

    A proposed law effectively allowing US employers to require workers to take DNA tests and hand over the results is misguided, says geneticist Martina Cornel

  • Humans | Technology17 March 2017

    E-tattoos turn knuckles and freckles into smartphone controls

    Tattoos that turn skin into a touchscreen could display notifications on your body and let you answer a call or pump up the volume with a tap of your fingers

Health | Humans17 March 2017

South American group has the healthiest arteries ever seen

Some elderly adults of Tsimane people in Bolivia have arteries so free from disease that they resemble those people in the US who are more than 20 years younger

Space17 March 2017

Gentle breeze may help Venus’s atmosphere spin like crazy

The atmosphere of Venus rotates much faster than the planet itself. A newly detected wind could be spreading the energy needed to power it

Earth17 March 2017

CO2 emissions from energy remain flat for third year running

Carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector have not increased for three years in a row even as the global economy grew

Humans | Life17 March 2017

Stop killing lions for their bones to make bogus aphrodisiacs

The export of lion skeletons to China for use in 'aphrodisiac' wines threatens the survival of the king of the beasts, says Richard Schiffman

Space17 March 2017

Cosmological ruler could help us get the measure of dark energy

Measuring how the distance between galaxies changes is key to working out how dark energy drives the universe’s accelerating expansion – now a new ruler may help

Technology17 March 2017

UK government pulls ads from YouTube in extremist content row

Google has been summoned for discussions at the Cabinet Office to explain why government ads appear alongside extremist material, as brands also pull ads

Space14 March 2017

Asteroid clay is a better space radiation shield than aluminium

Cosmic radiation poses one of the biggest health risks for astronauts on long space missions, but clay extracted from space rocks could protect them

Health15 March 2017

Australia wants to ban unvaccinated children from preschool

The government wants 95 per cent of Australian children vaccinated – a level that would stop infectious diseases spreading and protect those who can’t be vaccinated

Humans | Technology16 March 2017

Robot eavesdrops on men and women to see how much they talk

Women speak more when they’re talking to a woman rather than a man, finds a robot with a fur hat that studied conversations between men, women and children

Humans16 March 2017

New autism blood test likely to join ranks of also-rans

A new blood test for autism promises to catch the condition much earlier than standard interventions. Here’s why it probably won’t change anything

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