Friday, November 4, 2016

2 ex-associates of Gov. Chris Christie were found guilty in Bridgegate plot 2 ex-associates of Gov. Chris Christie were found guilty in Bridgegate plot

ChristieComp Bill Baroni, former deputy executive director of The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey; New Jersey Governor Chris Christie; Bridget Anne Kelly, Christie's former deputy chief of staff, Associated Press/Mel Evans; REUTERS/Andrew Kelly; Harrison Jacobs/Business Insider

Two former associates of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie were found guilty on all counts for their role in the Bridgegate scandal.

Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni were charged with conspiracy and wire fraud, after allegedly plotting to shut down lanes on the George Washington Bridge in 2013 as an act of political retribution.

The pair each faced seven counts, including violating the rights of Fort Lee citizens to travel without government restrictions, and misusing the resources of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

Prosecutors and witnesses had argued that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie knew about his associates' plot, although Christie has not been charged with a crime and has maintained he had no knowledge of the plan.

The scandal dogged Christie throughout his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, and has contributed to his consistently low approval ratings throughout his second term as governor. In May, Christie was named by Republican nominee Donald Trump as the lead of his White House transition team.

Kelly and Baroni face maximum sentences of 20 years in prison, but the US attorney for New Jersey has previously said there’s “no way” he would recommend such severe sentences.

Instead, federal sentencing guidelines indicate a likely sentence of one to three years, according to the New York Times.

Here's what we know:

The traffic jam

In September 2013, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey unexpectedly closed two of three access lanes from Fort Lee to the George Washington Bridge.

The closures snarled traffic for days at the mouth of the busiest bridge in the world. The Port Authority initially explained the closings as being part of a "traffic study," while local officials and law enforcement said they had been given no warning the lanes would be closed.


In November 2013, Christie was re-elected as governor with 60% of the vote. Democrats quickly began speculating that the lane closings less than two months earlier had been an act of political revenge — Fort Lee's Democratic mayor, Mark Sokolich, had endorsed Christie's opponent in the gubernatorial election.

The incident morphed into a full-blown scandal in January 2014, after an email was revealed from Bridget Anne Kelly, Christie's former deputy chief of staff, that said, 'Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee.' The email had been leaked after it was subpoenaed by the New Jersey Legislature.

bridget anne kelly In this Sept. 13, 2016 file photo, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's former Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Anne Kelly leaves Federal Court after a hearing for jury selection in Newark, N.J. Associated Press/Mel Evans

Christie immediately fired Kelly and apologized to New Jersey residents, saying he was "blindsided" and "stunned by the abject stupidity" of those in his inner circle.

Bill Baroni and David Wildstein, both Christie-appointed Port Authority officials, had both already resigned from their posts by the time her email surfaced. Wildstein had been the recipient of Kelly's email and replied, "Got it."

The trial

Kelly and Baroni were indicted in 2015 and pleaded not guilty to charges of wire fraud, civil rights deprivation, and conspiracy.

Wildstein, however, pleaded guilty to two conspiracy charges related to the scandal, and testified against Kelly and Baroni.

Opening statements began Sept. 19, with prosecutors declaring that Wildstein and Baroni "bragged" to Christie about the lane closings as they were happening. The defense attacked Wildstein's credibility as a witness, calling him vindictive and a liar.

In an August court filing from his attorneys, a 2013  text message exchange  between two Christie aides was revealed that said Christie "flat-out lied" during a press conference that his staff was involved in the lane closings. Christie later  disputed the text messages' claims , telling reporters they were "ridiculous."

Both Kelly and Baroni testified in their own defense during the six-week trial, accusing Wildstein of tricking them into believing that the lane closings were part of the traffic study.

chris christie U.S. Republican presidential candidate and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie looks on at his primary election night party Nashua, New Hampshire, February 9, 2016. Reuters/Gretchen Ertl

Christie's political future

While Christie has denied having knowledge of the lane closings, he has admitted Bridgegate has wielded a profound impact on his political aspirations. His approval ratings tanked shortly after the scandal emerged, and haven't recovered since.

Earlier in September, Christie told MSNBC it was likely a reason Republican nominee Donald Trump did not select him as his running mate.

"I'm sure it was a factor," Christie said. Political experts, meanwhile, have speculated that Christie would have been the establishment front-runner in the Republican primaries, were it not for the scandal.

Trump himself used 'Bridgegate' against Christie during the primaries.

"The GW Bridge, he knew about it," Trump said during a rally last December. "He totally knew about it."

Christie is thought to be seeking a spot in Trump's cabinet, should he be elected in November. Strategists have been weighing whether recent news of the aide's "flat-out lied" texts jeopardized that possibility.

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