FLPA/Kevin Elsby/REX/Shutterstock
By Bob Holmes
Sex may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of climate change. But for the collared flycatcher, the two seem to be linked in some mysterious way.
As temperatures have risen, male flycatchers’ brilliant white forehead patches have changed from a valuable sexual signal into a liability.
Since 1980, ecologist Lars Gustafsson at Uppsala University in Sweden has been monitoring a population of collared flycatchers on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. Every year, he and his colleagues have marked every bird in the population with numbered leg-bands, allowing the parentage, reproductive success and survival of many generations of birds to be tracked.
In recent years, Gustafsson’s team has noticed that the males’ forehead patches have been shrinking. Team member Simon Evans wondered whether this change was just a response by individual birds to changing conditions, or whether the population as a whole was evolving.
So Evans combed through 34 years of records. He found that early on, birds with larger forehead patches were more likely to contribute genes to future generations than their small-patched neighbours, but this edge reversed in the second half of the study period. Further analysis showed that this change was associated with higher springtime temperatures, a result of changing climate.
Unnatural selection: The race against climate change
Oddly, birds with large forehead patches did worse in warm years, not because they had fewer offspring but because they were less likely to survive the following winter.
Evans, now at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, does not yet know why this is the case. But he speculates that males with large forehead patches must incur some cost for their display, perhaps through more aggressive competition against other males. Warmer springs somehow increase this cost. “These traits are evolving due to climate change,” says Evans.
This sudden change in the value of a mating signal might be a warning that the flycatcher’s role in the ecosystem is also changing, says Cody Dey, a conservation biologist at the University of Windsor, Canada. “Changes in sexual ornaments may indicate that there are ecological changes going on.”
Similar changes to ornaments and signals may well be happening in other species, Dey thinks.
Some ornaments may disappear altogether, while other, new ones evolve, and climate change may lead to winners and losers in the global beauty pageant, write Dey and his colleague James Dale at Massey University in Palmerston North, New Zealand, in an accompanying piece in Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Evans was only able to spot the reversal in collared flycatchers because of Gustafsson’s remarkable data set – further proof of the value of long-term ecological research, Dey says.
Journal reference: Nature Ecology & Evolution, DOI: 10.1038/s41559-016-0039
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