Friday, January 27, 2017


  • Life26 January 2017

    Genetic fix can make mass-produced tomatoes taste great again

    Intensive breeding has made many vegetables lose the gene variations that give them great flavour, but now we’ve identified them, we can put them back

  • Physics26 January 2017

    Metallic hydrogen finally made in lab at mind-boggling pressure

    Diamonds, low temperatures and pressures way above what's found at Earth's centre were used to create a form of hydrogen foreseen back in the 1930s

  • Humans26 January 2017

    Memories can be disconnected – and it could help those with PTSD

    An innocuous smell or sound can be enough to trigger painful memories of trauma. Now researchers have found a way to disconnect linked memories in mice.

Humans | Technology26 January 2017

Uber hasn’t taken taxi drivers’ jobs but has slashed their wages

The arrival of Uber in US cities hasn't reduced the number of traditional taxi drivers, but it has cut their hourly wages by up to 10 per cent, say economists

Health26 January 2017

How LSD affects the brain and creates its trippy effect

There's renewed interest in using LSD to treat a range of psychiatric conditions. New findings probe how it works and hint at ways to use it therapeutically

26 January 2017

The world just ticked a bit closer to Doomsday thanks to Trump

Donald Trump's first days as US president confirms our choice to move the symbolic Doomsday clock forward, says Raymond Pierrehumbert

Technology26 January 2017

AI agony aunt learns to dole out relationship advice online

A Japanese tech company trained an AI to answer questions about love, which requires it to deal with “non-factoid” queries that are often long and complex

Humans26 January 2017

More empathy isn’t the right prescription to heal our planet

If only we could all have greater empathy then the world would become a better place, right? Wrong, says psychologist Paul Bloom

Life26 January 2017

Giant flying reptile was top predator like a winged T. rex

Strong neck bones suggest a pterosaur was top predator on lost world island in Transylvania, swooping in to swallow dwarf dinosaurs the size of a small horse

Health25 January 2017

Gene-blocking therapy reverses Alzheimer’s-like symptoms in mice

An antisense therapy that targets tau protein tangles in the brain has improved memory and extended lifespan in mice, and successfully targeted tau in monkeys

Health25 January 2017

Gene editing has saved the lives of two children with leukaemia

Two young girls are both doing well more than a year after being treated with gene-edited cells. Clinical trials of the therapy are now getting started

Health25 January 2017

Should NHS limit spending on treatments for rare diseases?

As pressures on the National Health Service grow, should costly new treatments for rare diseases get a tougher ride, wonders Zara Aziz

Earth | Space25 January 2017

Earth’s water must have arrived here earlier than we thought

Our best theory said meteorites brought water to Earth 4.5 billion years ago, now it seems they struck far earlier, while our planet’s core was still forming

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