Thursday, October 6, 2016


  • Earth5 October 2016

    The Enlightenment scientist who feared Earth's frozen future

    The Comte de Buffon's lively writing transformed our ideas of Earth's fauna and fired the public imagination. But his insights on climate were way off the mark

  • Life5 October 2016

    A language is born – and now it is dying

    A remarkable language that emerged just 75 years ago now seems doomed. Can linguists decode its secrets before it disappears?

  • Technology5 October 2016

    The reaction that would give us clean fossil fuels forever

    Crack natural gas into its constituent atoms and you can burn it without producing CO2 – giving us green energy without all the pain of renewables

Life5 October 2016

Why we worry: Understanding anxiety and how to help it

When do normal worries become an anxiety disorder? Test your anxiety levels, find out what causes them to spiral out of control, and discover how to tackle them

Earth28 September 2016

Let’s harness synthetic biology to fix our broken planet

If we want to reverse desertification, synthetic bacteria are one of the safer geoengineering options, says biologist Ricard Solé

Physics | Space28 September 2016

Robot eyes are catching up with our exploding cosmos

The night sky is anything but tranquil, and a new generation of robot telescopes is getting a handle on the cornucopia of fleeting flashes and flare-ups

Humans28 September 2016

Neuroscientist sees kids suffer brain damage due to dire poverty

What does extreme deprivation do to the brain? Charles Nelson has spent his career studying – and helping – children living in the worst possible circumstances

Humans28 September 2016

Don’t think: How your brain works things out all by itself

You may have taken a break, but your brain hasn't. The unconscious carries on mulling things over long after you quit

Humans28 September 2016

We accurately weigh up a person’s character in 0.1 seconds

Your unconscious mind is seriously judgemental. But our snap decisions often turn out to be spot on

Humans28 September 2016

How we know where our limbs are without thinking

Your unconscious has a sixth sense of the space your body takes up, and the invisible area around it. Getting to know it better could improve your memory

Humans28 September 2016

Break bad habits by hacking the autopilot in your brain

Do something enough times and your brain can automate the process making good habits and bad. But there are ways to get back some conscious control

Humans28 September 2016

Your brain’s crystal ball helps you understand speech and fear

Matching what your brain predicts to what actually happens gives you a jump start on how to react, but what happens when your expectations go awry?

Humans28 September 2016

How to see the thoughts you don’t know you are having

Your secret thoughts vanish as soon as you think them, like a dream upon waking. Here are some ways to catch them before they disappear

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